Unlocking Team Intelligence

Leadership Teams

‘‘I work with leadership teams who want to be more than the sum of their parts.”
“97% of senior leaders agree that increasing the top team’s effectiveness would have a positive impact on the organization… and yet, just 18% of Senior Leaders rate their Leadership Team as “Very Effective”. The question is, what are most teams missing when it comes to working together?
Leadership Teams need three types of intelligence in order to maximise their impact:
EQ or Emotional Intelligence to manage the social relationships and dynamics of the group;
PQ or Practical Intelligence to turn ideas into actions; and
IQ, or Critical & Creative Intelligence, to find insights and ideas, and develop opportunities and strategy.
I work with Leadership Teams to unlock these intelligences so that they can create whole-of-business strategies that work. So whether your pressing issue seems to be a leadership team that’s just going through the motions, or a lack of workable strategy, I can help.

I'm usually called in when leadership teams need forming, fixing or future planning. I support leadership teams for specific events, such as an offsite or planning day.
And I partner with a small number of teams every year to help them transform their leadership team over a 12-month journey.
Forming your leadership team
You're in a new leadership role, or you've got a substantially new team. You need to set up your leadership team by answering foundational questions.
Who is in the leadership team?
Why does this team exist? For whom does it create value?
How will the team operate? How will we meet? What will we discuss?
What are the values that we aspire to? What are the minimum standards we expect?
Download a PDF overview of the Leadership Team Blueprint.
Fixing your leadership team
You feel like your team members are siloed. When you get together as a team, it feels too operational. Some team members are too quiet. The team lacks trust and psychological safety.
When you see these type of issues, you need a reset. Have a pit stop, get off the race track for a day to reset the team.
You need to align on what a good leadership team looks like and what it does. Establish the strengths and weaknesses of this team. And make a plan to evolve how you work together.
Download a PDF overview of Leadership Team Pit Stops.
Future planning
It's time to develop a strategy. To lift up your gaze from the now and focus on the next. You want to capture the collective intelligence of your team and co-create the organisation's strategy.
I facilitate leadership team's who want to build a strategy, develop goals and dashboards, and lay out project roadmaps for the future.
Download a PDF overview of Strategy Development Projects.
Annual leadership team coaching
Every year I partner with six organisations across 12 months to support a transformation of their leadership team, strategy and culture. These partnerships are bespoke. They generally include
a commitment to team coaching with a quarterly "Pit Stop"
a period of strategy planning
measuring the progress of the leadership team with my team diagnostic
one-on-one coaching for the leader and some of the leadership team
Download a case study of partnering with a leadership team over 12 months.
Please contact me for a discussion about strategic partnerships.